Colorado quality interior painting and decorating  Colorado quality interior painting and decorating  Colorado quality interior painting and decorating  Colorado quality interior painting and decorating  Colorado quality interior painting and decorating
 Colorado quality interior painting and decorating  Colorado quality interior painting and decorating  Colorado quality interior painting and decorating  Colorado quality interior painting and decorating
 Colorado quality interior painting and decorating  Colorado quality interior painting and decorating  Colorado quality interior painting and decorating

Win a FREE Mural or a Painting!

Simply place a link to my website on your website
then go to my Contact Page and let me know where I can see the link
One of
every 50  people who successfully link to this website
will have a free mural painted by me.

The winners decide what I will be painting!
(However, the value of the work in this promotion may not exceed $1000)


If you live in Colorado Springs, Monument, Parker, Castle Rock, Highland Ranch or Denver,
or in any other town (no further then 60 mile radius from Colorado Springs),
and if you care less about a mural then painting your house (interior or exterior)
you may redeem the prize and apply the $1000 credit toward a regular house painting job!

If you have your own website

Just use any graphic and text you find below and let me know where have you placed them!
I will list your name below along with your website
A winners' name and website will be listed on my homepage.

(This is a new promotion and we reserve a right to change the terms as well as it's length
depending on it's results and availability of the artist. We recommend that you sign up ASAP!)

If you don't have a website

You still can play. All you need to do is to sign up to monthly
European Painter's Newsletter


1. Sandra Weber - a realtor from Scottsdale, AZ
2. Wieczor z Radiem - Polish radio station in Phoenix
3. Pamela & Frank Stevenson - Dream Homes in Arizona
4. - Mark Owens - Parker, CO
5. - Jessica Costa - Castle Rock, CO







Just "right click" any of above graphics and save it on your computer,
then paste it to your website with any of the text below.
If you don't know exactly how to make a link
please contact me for help.

If you need to customize a size of the graphic to look better on your page
let me know and I can help with that also.


Copyright 2005 - . European Painter - All rights reserved.